C-1C ANSYS workbench vs APDL what is differrence on both versions.

The main difference is ,how much you can take control over the whole process and in interface.

APDL stands for ANSYS Parametric Design Language

"That means you are writing the program for whole analysis process, in this method you can do process like mouse click and select object and many-more things but really difficult than workbenh."

workbench stand for Graphical User Interface.
"here you can work easly like all GUI softares like photoshop and 3dsmax same is here make 3d object in ansys 3d design modular or in spaceclaim or inport other cad geormetry

and mesh it and apply material apply boundry condition just some clicks and take result."
wow thats nice! 

differecne on both
             Ansys Workbench                                  Ansys APDL 
1. Interface is easy.............................little clumpsy 
2. Interacts easily with........................only IGES/Step file can be imported 
other CAD packages. 
3. Step wise solving scheme..............not in a clear orderly manner 
4. Little errors such as contact...........the model should be free from error. 
errors are neglected/allowed 
5. If a mistake is done it can be.........no such options no possiblity of ctrl+Z 
rectified easily 
6. Update geometries, Boundary........it is difficult 
conditions or add parameters 
7. You can integrate two or more........once again it is difficult 
solvers. ie. structural+thermal, 
thermal+fluid etc... 
8. Vast analysis capabilities,...............Analysis is limited. 
wide area of applications 
Overall workbench is easy for beginners to start their analysis, easy to learn. and for advanced persons its like a feast. In ansys v15 the apdl has been integrated with workbench.. 
(from other source this taken)

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